Lavasa: What's the Future of this Failed Megaproject
Lavasa: What's the Future of this Failed Megaproject
Lavasa: What's the Future of this Failed Megaproject
Lavasa: What's the Future of this Failed Megaproject
- Lavasa city was a proposed luxury hill town located between Pune and Mumbai, with five towns, luxury bungalows, and recreational activities.
- The project was stopped due to political irregularities, lack of proper permissions, and not following environmental clearance rules.
- The failure of the project left many investors and property buyers at a loss, and the city was abandoned and turned into a tourist spot.
- In 2021, bids were invited for the revival of the Lavasa corporation, and Mumbai based Darwin platform infrastructure Ltd won the bid for 1,814 crore rupees.
- DPIL plans to make Lavasa a tourist town and an educational hub, and has initiated negotiations with US universities to set up their campus in the city.
- DPIL is focused on obtaining environmental clearance and avoiding repeating the same mistakes that led to the project's downfall before.