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Serve People Vs Command People.

August 09, 2023

Serve people" and "command people" represent two different approaches to interacting with others, often associated with leadership styles and interpersonal dynamics. Here's what each concept entails:

  1. Serve People:

    • Leadership Style: Serving others typically involves a leadership style known as "servant leadership." This approach focuses on putting the needs of others before one's own and empowering individuals to reach their full potential.
    • Approach: Leaders who serve prioritize the well-being and growth of their team members. They aim to support, guide, and facilitate the success of their team.
    • Characteristics: Active listening, empathy, humility, and a willingness to collaborate are central to serving others.
    • Effect: This approach can foster a positive and motivated team environment, where individuals feel valued and supported.
  2. Command People:

    • Leadership Style: "Commanding" people can be associated with more traditional or authoritative leadership styles, where decisions are made from a position of power and authority.
    • Approach: Command-oriented leaders may focus on giving orders, making decisions without much input, and expecting compliance from their subordinates.
    • Characteristics: Clear direction, decisiveness, and a hierarchical structure are emphasized in this approach.
    • Effect: While this approach can lead to swift decision-making and implementation of plans, it may also result in reduced autonomy for team members and a lack of engagement.

In summary, the choice between "serving people" and "commanding people" as a leadership or interpersonal approach depends on the context, goals, and the culture of the environment. Many modern leadership theories emphasize the benefits of servant leadership, as it tends to create a more collaborative, motivated, and engaged team. However, there might be situations where a more directive approach is necessary for achieving specific outcomes.

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