Very Funny Jokes in Hindi for Whatsapp Status | Very Funny Jokes for Whatsapp Status

February 07, 2022

Very Funny Jokes in Hindi for Whatsapp Status 

जीवन में कुछ भी कर लेने का...

लेकिन कभी कंगना रानौत का श्राप मत लेना...

 अनिल देशमुख से पूछ लो...

आज मेरा घर टूटा है... 

कल तेरा घमंड टूटेगा...


Very Funny Jokes for Whatsapp Status

रहस्य खुल गया !!!

कोरोना चमगादड़ से आया है और 

चमगादड़ को रात में ही दिखाई देता है


रात्रि कर्फ्यू लगाया गया है


Very Funny Jokes in Hindi for Whatsapp Status,Very Funny Jokes for Whatsapp Status

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Who are Wokes ? | What Is Woke Slang for |

February 06, 2022

Who are Wokes? 

Wokes Are Nothing but an Example of Failed Upbringing, Who Thrive Only on Attention, Doesn't Matter How They Get It.


Who are Wokes, What Is Woke Slang for, what is the slang meaning for woke, what is a woke person, what does the term woke police mean

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[आश्चर्यजनक तथ्य]: 25 रोचक तथ्य जो आप नरेंद्र मोदी के बारे में नहीं जानते होंगे | नरेंद्र मोदी के बारे में रोचक तथ्य

February 05, 2022

नरेंद्र मोदी के बारे में रोचक तथ्य

1. मोदी जी स्वामी विवेकानंद को अपना आदर्श मानते हैं।

2. नरेंद्र मोदी जी एक शाकाहारी हैं, वे कभी भी मांस और शराब का सेवन नहीं करते हैं।

3. मोदी जी कोई भी नया काम शुरू करने से पहले अपनी माँ का आशीर्वाद लेते हैं।

4. मोदी जी ने अमेरिका में प्रबंधन और जनसंपर्क का अध्ययन किया।

5. मोदी जी की शादी 18 साल की थी, लेकिन उन्होंने 2 साल बाद ही घर छोड़ दिया और रिटायरमेंट ले लिया और अपनी पत्नी जसोदा बेन से दूर हो गए।

6. नरेंद्र मोदी जी को नई तकनीकों से प्यार है।

7. मोदी जी केवल 5 घंटे सोते हैं, और इन 5 घंटों में उन्हें अच्छी नींद आती है।

8. मोदी जी की घड़ी की कीमत 39,000 से 190000 तक है, यह घड़ी स्विट्जरलैंड के प्रसिद्ध ब्रांड मेवाड़ी में पाई जाती है। और साथ में वे घड़ी को उल्टा पहनते हैं,

9. मोदी जी ने गुजरात के 13 साल के शासन के दौरान केवल एक दिन की छुट्टी ली।

10. मोदी जी लगभग रु। 30,000 रु। 40000 ग्लास, जो कि एक इटैलियन ब्रांड Gulari है, इस कंपनी ने अब इन चीजों को बनाना शुरू कर दिया है।

11. पीएम नरेंद्र मोदी जी "मेंड-घांची-तेली" जाति से हैं, यह जाति भारत सरकार के अन्य पिछड़ा वर्ग में है।

12. RSS के प्रचारक दाढ़ी नहीं रखते थे, वे प्रचारक होने के बावजूद दाढ़ी रखते थे।

13. मोदी जी सुबह 5:30 बजे तक उठ जाते हैं।

14. मोदी जी ने गुजरात के वडनगर नामक रेलवे स्टेशन पर चाय भी बेची है।

15. मोदी जी एक एनसीसी छात्र थे।

16. 2001 में जब मोदी गुजरात के मुख्यमंत्री बने, तो उनकी मां ने कहा था कि बेटे को कभी रिश्वत नहीं लेनी चाहिए।

17. मोदी जी एक ऐसे व्यक्ति हैं जो ईमानदारी और सच्ची निष्ठा के साथ अपनी जिम्मेदारी निभाते हैं।

18. मोदी जी जिस पेन से लिखते हैं, यह पेन एक जर्मन ब्रांड है।

19. अहमदाबाद के मुख्यालय में रहने पर वे सभी छोटे-मोटे काम खुद करते थे। जैसे चाय बनाना, कपड़े धोना आदि।

20. ज्योतिष के अनुसार, उनकी कुंडली बाल गंगा धर तिलक के समान है।

21. जब 1975 में भारत में आपातकाल लगाया गया था, तब RSS और ऐसे कई संगठनों पर प्रतिबंध लगा दिया गया था, तब मोदी सरदार की आड़ में प्रचार करते थे।

22-मोदी जी ने स्नातकोत्तर होने के बाद राजनीति विज्ञान में एमए (मास्टर ऑफ आर्ट्स) की पढ़ाई की।

23. मोदी जी के कपड़े केवल विपिन और जितेंद्र चौहान की दुकान पर सिले हुए हैं और मैं आपको बता दूं कि यह कोई छोटी दुकान नहीं है, यह लगभग एक सौ पचास करोड़ रुपये की कंपनी है और मोदी जी 1989 से यहां हैं। चलो सिलाई करते हैं। ।

24. मोदी जी का वेतन 19 लाख है, जो कि भारत के प्रधान मंत्री का है।

25. कई लोगों के विरोध के कारण, मोदी ने 2004 से 2013 तक अमेरिका को वीजा नहीं दिया, लेकिन जब वह प्रधान मंत्री थे, तब वह खुद फोन करने आए थे।

26. नरेंद्र मोदी के पिता का नाम दामोदरदास मूलचंद मोदी और माता का नाम श्रीमती हीराबेन है।

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[आश्चर्यजनक तथ्य]: 15 रोचक तथ्य जो आप इसरो के बारे में नहीं जानते होंगे | इसरो के बारे में रोचक तथ्य

February 03, 2022

इसरो के बारे में रोचक तथ्य

[Amazing facts]: 15 interesting facts you may not know about ISRO

1. इसरो का पूर्ण भारतीय अंतरिक्ष अनुसंधान संगठन है। इसका मुख्यालय बैंगलोर में है।

2. इसरो में लगभग 17 हजार कर्मचारी और वैज्ञानिक काम कर रहे हैं।

3. इसरो के भारत में 13 केंद्र हैं।

4. 1969 में स्वतंत्रता दिवस के दिन डॉ। इसरो की स्थापना विक्रम साराभाई ने की थी।

5. भारत उन 6 देशों (अमेरिका, रूस, फ्रांस, जापान, चीन और भारत) में से एक है जो जमीन पर उपग्रह बनाने और लॉन्च करने की क्षमता रखते हैं।

6. इसरो ने अब तक 21 विभिन्न देशों के लिए 79 उपग्रह लॉन्च किए हैं। और भारत के लिए 86 उपग्रह लॉन्च किए हैं।

7. इसरो का पहला उपग्रह, जिसका नाम आर्यभट्ट था, 19 अप्रैल 1975 को रूस की मदद से लॉन्च किया गया था।

8. अन्य संगठन की तुलना में, इसरो में अविवाहित लोगों की संख्या सबसे अधिक है।

9. अगर आप ISRO की प्रगति के बारे में बात करते हैं, तो आप इससे अनुमान लगा सकते हैं। अपने पहले प्रयास में मंगल पर पहुंचने वाला वह एकमात्र देश है। जबकि अमेरिका 5 बार, सोवियत संघ 8 बार, और चीन, रूस भी अपने पहले प्रयास में विफल रहे।

10. इसरो के पास दो सबसे प्रमुख रॉकेट (PSLV और GSLV) हैं। एक ही रॉकेट को उपग्रह में भेजा जाता है।

11. ISRO चंद्रयान -1 के कारण ही चंद्रमा पर पानी खोजने में कामयाब रहा है।

12. NASA की इंटरनेट स्पीड 91GBps और ISRO की इंटरनेट स्पीड 2GBps है।

13. ISRO उसी वर्ष में खर्च करता है जितना कि 40 वर्षों में खर्च करता है।

14. इसरो का पहला सिद्धांत: मैनकाइंड की सेवा में अंतरिक्ष प्रौद्योगिकी।

जींस की जिप पर लिखे YKK का मतलब पता

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[आश्चर्यजनक तथ्य]: 30 रोचक तथ्य जो आप सेक्स के बारे में नहीं जानते होंगे | सेक्स के बारे में रोचक तथ्य

February 02, 2022

सेक्स के बारे में रोचक तथ्य

1. एक दिन में 100 करोड़ से ज्यादा लोग सेक्स करते हैं।

2. सेक्स करने से व्यक्ति का सिरदर्द और तनाव भी खत्म हो जाता है।

3. इस दुनिया के 25% पुरुष सेक्स के बारे में सोच रहे होंगे। (आप भी उनमें से एक हो सकते हैं।)

4. सेक्स की चरम पर, दोनों पुरुषों और महिलाओं को 140 मिनट प्रति मिनट तक दिल की धड़कन होती है।

5. 45 साल की उम्र तक महिलाएं 3000 बार सेक्स करती हैं। (एक सामान्य महिला)

6. लिंग के पुरुष 10 सेकंड में 40 वर्ष की आयु तक खड़े होते हैं।

7. दुनिया में 30% पुरुषों में शीघ्रपतन हो जाता है। माना जाता है कि उनके शीघ्रपतन का कारण चिंता, यौन शोषण, नकारात्मक छवि, प्रारंभिक यौन अनुभव है।

8. एक आदमी अपने जीवन में लगभग 17 लीटर वीर्य निकालता है।

9. जहां शरीर में वीर्य होता है, वहां का तापमान -196.9 ° C होता है।

10. हस्तमैथुन के बाद 30-50 करोड़ शुक्राणु निकलते हैं।

11. ग्रीक लोग सबसे ज्यादा सेक्स करते हैं, वे साल में करीब 138 बार सेक्स करते हैं।

12. दुनिया में जितने पुरुष हैं, उतने शुक्राणु एक छोटे कैप्सूल में आ सकते हैं, और पुरुष के लिंग में इतने शुक्राणु होते हैं, कि वे लगभग 400 मीटर तक फैल सकते हैं।

13. लगभग 20% अमेरिकियों ने एक सहकर्मी के साथ सेक्स किया है।

14. जो लोग हफ्ते में केवल 1 या 2 बार सेक्स करते हैं, उनके दिल की बीमारी की संभावना 30% कम हो जाती है।

15. दुनिया की 65% महिलाएं और 90% पुरुष समय-समय पर हस्तमैथुन करते रहते हैं।

16 अमेरिका में ज्यादातर सेक्स बेडरूम में नहीं बल्कि कार में होता है।

17. सेक्स करने से पहले चॉकलेट खाने से उत्तेजना बढ़ती है।

18. लगभग 70 प्रतिशत महिलाएं मासिक धर्म के दौरान सेक्स करने से मना करती हैं।

19. जब सेक्स अपने साथी के मुंह में डालकर किया जाता है, तो इसे ओरल सेक्स कहा जाता है। ओरल सेक्स सिर्फ इंसान ही नहीं जानवर भी करते हैं (उदाहरण के लिए: भालू, भेड़िये और चमगादड़ आदि)।

20. महिलाओं को अंधेरे में सबसे ज्यादा सेक्स करना पसंद होता है।

21. सुबह सेक्स करना सेहत के लिए बहुत फायदेमंद होता है।

22. सेक्स करने से 360 कैलोरी बर्न होती है।

23. जो महिलाएं रोमांटिक उपन्यास पढ़ती हैं, वे सेक्स का अधिक आनंद लेती हैं।

24. अच्छी नींद के लिए सेक्स एक दवा की तरह काम करता है।

25. एक शेर दिन में 50 बार तक सेक्स कर सकता है।

26. चूहे दिन में करीब 20 बार सेक्स कर सकते हैं।

27. पुरुष मगरमच्छ का लिंग हमेशा सेक्स करने के लिए तैयार रहता है।

28. एक सांप 2 यौन जीवों के साथ एक जीव है।

29. सेक्स के लिए माहौल बनाने के लिए समुद्री घोड़े गाय के गोबर का उपयोग करते हैं।

30. एक पुरुष टिड्डा सेक्स के दौरान मादा टिड्डे के सिर को काटता है। लेकिन मस्त होने के बाद भी दोनों सेक्स करते रहते हैं।

31. जब आदमी सेक्स करता है, तो उसका दिमाग बिल्कुल शराबी के दिमाग की तरह होता है।

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Top 10 Rape Victim Countries in The World

February 01, 2022

Top 10 Rape Victim Countries in The World

10. Denmark and Finland

One in three women in Europe have suffered some form of physical or sexual assault and 5% are raped.
According to a 2014 study published by the European Union's Agency for Fundamental Rights, about 47% of women surveyed in Finland said they had experienced physical and/or sexual abuse; And 52% of women in Denmark had suffered physical and/or sexual abuse. Finland was one of the last countries in the European Union to criminalize marital rape, which made it illegal in 1994.

More than 1 in 10 of the women interviewed indicated that they experienced some form of sexual violence by an adult before the age of 15. One in 10 had experienced some form of sexual violence by the age of 15, with one in 20 being raped. And 1 in 5 had experienced physical and/or sexual violence from a current or previous partner. Only 13% of women reported their most serious incident to the police. (Source).

9. Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe ranks 9th with maximum rape crimes. At least one woman is raped in Zimbabwe every 90 minutes. According to the latest figures from Zimbabwe National Statistics (ZimStat), 500 women are sexually abused monthly – about 16 women were raped.
A total of 1524 cases were registered during the first 3 months of the year, which was higher than the 1285 reported in the same period last year. Of these alleged cases, 780 are children (aged 11 to 16 years), while 276 were children in the age group of 5 to 10 years. However, there are fears that the number could be higher as some cases are unproven. (Contact).

According to UNICEF, child rape in Zimbabwe accounts for 42 percent. It said the number of rape cases of minors declined from 2,192 in 2010 to 3,112 in 2014. Many other cases are likely to take place in an atmosphere of secrecy and denial.

8. Australia

Australia has a relatively high rate of rape per 100,000 people. During the past year, an estimated 51,200 Australians aged 18 years and older were victims of sexual assault. Nearly a third (30%) of victims of sexual assault had the most recent incident they reported to the police.
According to , 1 in 6 Australian women have suffered the torture of rape by a non-partner, compared to one in 14 women worldwide. It states that Australian women over the age of 15 are the victims of rape. Australia (along with New Zealand in the research) came in third place with 16.4% of women in the worldwide study reporting having been raped by someone other than a partner.

Karen Willis, executive officer of the NSW Rape Crisis Center, says more than 70% of these sexual assaults are perpetrated by family members, friends, work or school colleagues. 29% of rapes are committed by a woman meeting or being on a date. She said that just 1% of rapes are committed by strangers.

7. Canada

Among all violent crimes reported to the police, sexual assault saw a rapid increase in reported rates in Canada. According to the Huffingtonpost, there are 460,000 sexual assaults every year in the country. It said that out of every 1,000 sexual assault cases, 33 are reported to the police, and 29 are registered as offences.
One in 4 North American women face the torture of rape during their lifetime. 11% of women have been physically hurt. According to statistics, only 6% of incidents are reported to the police. More than 80% of the victims are women, maximum incidents occur in the home and 80% of the attackers are the victim's friends and family. Most disturbing is the fact that 83% of women with disabilities will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. About all sexual assault victims, 17% are girls and 15% are boys under the age of 16.

6. New Zealand

In 2013, The Roast Busters scandal exposed the truth about rape in New Zealand. A group of West Auckland youths calling themselves the "Roast Bossers" allegedly tried to gang-rape the girls for drug use.
According to a report in the British Medical Journal, the Lancet sexual assault rate in New Zealand is much higher than the world average. This placed Australia in third place with 16.4% of the country's female population.

According to the Minister of Justice Publications Report; Sexual violence-related attacks are happening in New Zealand every two hours. Statistics now show that 1 in 3 girls and one in six boys are likely to be sexually abused before the age of 16.

Sexual assaults rose 15% in one year, and the number doubled in schools. Only 9 percent of sex crimes (recorded by the police) are committed in New Zealand. Of all reported cases, only 13% end in a conviction. 91% of rapes either go unreported, or victims are threatened by the police to drop complaints. (New Zealand Herald).

5. India

Rape and sexual violence is a major problem in India. According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), crimes against women have increased by 7.5% since 2010. The number of reported rapes in the country of more than 1.2 billion people has increased from 24,923 in 2013 to 33,707 in 2012. Most of the rape victims are in the age group of 18 to 30 years. One in three victims is under 18, and one in ten is raped. 14. In India, a woman is being raped after 20 minutes.
As per 2013 statistics, New Delhi has the highest number of rape cases among Indian cities. Last year, an average of four rape cases were reported in the city. In total rape cases, New Delhi (1,636) is followed by Mumbai (391), Jaipur (192) and Pune (171). Madhya Pradesh has the highest among all other states, with an average of 11 rapes per day. Madhya Pradesh (4,335 cases) was followed by Rajasthan (3,285 cases), Maharashtra (3,063 cases) and Uttar Pradesh (3,050 rape cases).

Every day 93 women are being raped in the country. Most of the perpetrators are known to the victims – 31,807 (94%) were known to the accused, including neighbors (10782), other known persons (18171), relatives (2315) and parents (539). (times of India).

Most rapes go unlicensed in India and the rest of the world. According to Madiha Kark, an estimated 54% of rape crimes go unreported, while Mihir Srivastava estimates that 90% of rapes go unreported in India. (Source).

4. England and Wales

According to a report titled "An Overview of Sexual Crimes in England and Wales" released in 2013 by the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), National Statistics (ONS) and the Home Office; There are about 85,000 rape victims per year in England and Wales - 73,000 women and 12,000 men, with about 230 cases every day. The report states that 1 out of every 5 women has experienced some form of sexual violence since the age of 16.

The number of rapes reported and recorded by the police is at its highest, with the overall crime in England and Wales increasing by 29 per cent, the BBC reports.

According to a study on young people (aged between 13-18) by the NSPCC, a third of girls and 16 percent of boys have experienced sexual violence and 250,000 teenage girls are victims of abuse at any given time. 12 percent of boys and 3 percent of girls reported having committed sexual violence against their partners.

3. USA

According to George Mason University, Worldwide Sexual Assault Statistics, 1 in 3 American women will be sexually abused in their lifetime. About 19.3% of women and 2% of men have been raped at least once in their lives. Additionally, an estimated 43.9% of women and 23.4% of men experienced other forms of sexual violence during their lifetime. Many victims of sexual abuse occurred at an early age, with about 79% being raped before the age of 25 and 40% before the age of 18. (usatoday).
According to RAIIN, every 107 seconds, someone in the United States is sexually assaulted. On average, 293,000 victims (12 years of age or older) are victims of sexual assault every year. 68% of sexual assaults are not reported to the police. 98% of rapists will not spend a day in jail.

2. Sweden

Sweden now has the second highest number of rapes in the world after South Africa, at 53.2 per 100,000. Statistics now show that 1 out of every 4 Swedish women is a victim of rape. If you look at the number of rapes, however, the increase is even worse. In 1975, the police had only 421 rapes - in 2014, it was 6,620. This is an increase of 1,472%. Sweden seems to be a much more dangerous place in the world for women.
Sweden has the highest rape rate in Europe. According to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) in 2013, the Swedish police had 63 rape cases per 100,000 population.

According to advocates of the rape crisis in Sweden, 1 in 3 Swedish women are sexually assaulted by the time they leave their teens. During the first half of 2013, more than 1,000 Swedish women in Stockholm were reported to have been raped by Muslim immigrants; More than 300 of them were under the age of 15.

1. South Africa

With an estimated 500,000 rape cases every year, the country has one of the highest rape rates in the world. It is estimated that over 40% of South African women will be raped in their lifetime. The Medical Research Council has estimated that only 1 in 9 is reported rape. Thus the actual number of rapes is much higher than the numbers recorded by the police.

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1 Day Trip From Bangalore | 20+ One day trip from Bangalore |

February 01, 2022

1 Day Trip From Bangalore


Nandi Hills
New Airport Road
Amruth Sarovar, Tippu’s Summer Palace and Fort, Gavi veerabdhadra Swamy Temple, Fort, Tippu Drop, Secret Passage, Nellikayi Basavanna, Bhoga Nandeeshwara Temple
Hill station. Birth place of rivers Arkavathi and Palar
Chikkaballapur,Bhoga Nandishwara Temple, Skandagiri

New Airport Road
A place above clouds. Trekking route. Best suited for mid night treks. Can do camp fire. Do not miss to see the sunrise.
Paragliding Destination. The peak reaches an altitude of about 1400 meters. It is an paradise for adventure freaks and ideal for night treks, camping, bird watching and more.
Chikkaballapur, Muddenalli, Nandi hills

Kanakapura road
Trekking, Coracle boating (teppa), Nature walk
The Cauvery river jumps in to deep narrow gorge over which even a goat can leap.
Chunchi falls, Muthathi

Hogenekkal falls
Hosur road
Hosur, Dharmapuri
Coracle Boating (teppa), Body massage,
Niagara' of India. The Cauvery river jumps in to on its way from Karnataka to Tamil Nadu
Yercaud, Kiliyur falls

Himvad Gopalswamy hills
Mysore Road
Mysore, Gundlupet, Bandipura forest
Watch wild animals like Elephants, Gaur, Sloth Bear and the elusive Tiger. Bird’s eye view of the forests below. Visit gopalswamy temple
Highest peak in the Bandipur National Park. Dense fog predominates and covers the hills round the year. Best suited to visit in the early mornings. Timings 8.30 - 16.30
Bandipura forest, Nanjangud, Mysore

Mysore road
Trekking, rope climbing, visit temple
Huge monolith standing 1226m above the sea level. There are two rock hills named Karigudda and Biligudda with a pond near by. From the top the Akravati river can be seen.
Manchanbele dam, big banyan tree, Ruppi's resort

Devrayana durga
Tumkur road
Nelamangala, Dabaspet
Visit Yoganarasimha temple. Trekking
There is road till the hill top and the view of the plains from here is awesome. There is a series of hills known as Devarayan Durga Hills

Mysore road
Mandya, Maddur
Palace, Chamundi hills, KRS, GRS park, zoo
Best suited for combination of attractions like river, falls, amusement, temples etc.
Nanjangud, srirangapatna, Balmuri falls

Bannerghatta road
Visit the National park. Lion & Tiger safari
A variety of fauna in the picturesque surroundings of the park can be seen. It is a reserve of lions, Indian tigers and many other mammals.
Peral Valley

Kanakapura road
Walk down to the tip of the water fall. Visit Ranganatha temple
Shivanasamudra divides the river Cauvery into two different falls Gaganachukki & Barachukki. First Hydro-electric Power station in Asia
Talakadu, Somanathapura, Malavalli

Manchanbele dam /
Ramgiri hills
Mysore road
Place for some nice views on the dam. Ramgiri hills - nice for a walk on the hill & visit the temple.
Winds enriched with moisture from the lake. Ramgiri hills - Lord Ram is said to have visited here during his 14 years exile. There is a Ram temple at the top of the hill.
Big Banyan tree

Mysore road
Ramanagara, Channapatna
Play in the river, visit temples, Walk on sand dunes
A place known for sand dunes. Ancient vaidyanatheshwara temple is located on the banks of river cauvery
T Narsipura, Somnathapura

Tumkur road
Nelamangala, Dabaspet
Trekking. Gangadhareshwara temple, Olakal Teertha, Nandi Statue, Patalagange.
Hill which looks like the shape of the Shiva Linga from one of its sides.
Devrayana durga

Kanva reservoir
Mysore road
Kumbalgodu, Ramanagara
Visit the dam, cave temple of Purushotthama Thirtha Gavi
Kanva Reservoir is surrounded by the Wooded Hills.
Ramgiri hills

Balmuri falls
Mysore road
Mandya, Srirangapatna
Play in the river, walk along thr river bund
Balmuri falls is a man-made reservoir which has been constructed across river Cauvery. It is not a huge waterfall but an ideal place for those who love to play in the water.
Srirangapatna, Mysore

Kanakapura road
Trek to Basavana betta (6 hrs) , visit the wildlife, crocale ride, River Rafting
During the monsoon months of June, July and August
Doddamakki & Galibore fishing camp. Sathanur

Wonder La
Mysore road
Amusement park
Timings from 10-6.
Not advisible

Innovative film city
Mysore road
Film city
Timings from 10-6.
Not advisible

Nritya grama
Hesarghatta road
Byalkere peacock sanctuary, Hesaraghatta Lake & Nrityarama Dance School
Nrityagram is the famous dance village and India’s first modern gurukul where students learn Indian classical dance

Art of living & Pyramid valley
Kanakapura road
Visit the Vishalakshi Mantap, Radha Kunj etc in the ashram. Pyramid valley - meditation centre.
Volunteer driver meditation centre. Relaxed environment. Pyramid Valley, home for the World’s Largest Meditational Pyramid.

Antara Gange
Old Madras road
Hoskote, Kolar
Walk to the hill top. Visit temples.
it s a sacred stream, which pours sweet water from the mouth of a bull. This scenic spot, known as Shatha Shringa Parvatha, abounds in rocks of many shapes and rare flora and fauna.
Koti Lingeshwara. Bangaru Tirupathi

Goibibo से होटल बुक करे

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Most Beautiful Queens in the History of India

January 27, 2022

Most Beautiful Queens in the History of India

Rani Padmini: If seen according to Jayasi, Padmavati was the daughter of King Gandharvasen of Sinhala Island and Padmavati or Padmini was the queen of Ratna Singh (Ratansen) king of Chittor. If we talk about their beauty, then the Sultan of Delhi, Alauddin Khilji, had attacked Chittorgarh to get Rani Padmini, it was a unique beauty.

Meerabai: Meerabai was one of the most beautiful queens in history, interested in Krishna bhakti. He was born in a Rathore Rajput family and was married in the Sisodia Raj family of Mewar. Maharana Bhojraj of Udaipur was her husband. After some time, her husband died.

Rani Laxmibai: Whenever a brave woman is mentioned in the pages of history, Rani Laxmibai's name definitely comes in it. Because it is not just a matter of common people to make peace. Rani was a beautiful queen along with Lakshmibai Bahadur. He was also called Manu by love.

Akkadevi: Akkadevi was the queen of the Chalukya dynasty of Karnataka and was famous in the pages of history for her beauty and official qualities.

Princess Nilofar: Istanbul-born Princess Nilofar married the Nizam of Hyderabad. In that era, the beauty of Nilofar was discussed everywhere and it was very brave too.

Sita Devi of Kapurthala: Sita Devi was one of the beautiful queens not only of India but of the world. Even many famous magazines in the world photographed him. Fashion designers from all over the world were convinced of her fashion. Special jewellery was prepared for Maharani Sita Devi, which enhanced her beauty even more.

Maharani Gayatri Devi: Maharani Gayatri Devi, who ruled Jaipur from 1939 to 1970, was a legend of beauty. It became a fashion icon for the youth of its time. You can guess from this, how beautiful she was because Bhaiya Har Era Gera Nathu Khera cannot become a fashion icon. And for your information, let me tell you that the first Mercedes Benz W126 was ordered by Queen Gayatri Devi.

Queen Sita Devi of Madras: It is said that if there is beauty after wealth and beauty. So beauty shines like a four moon. Born in Madras in 1917, Sita Devi was famous for beauty, fashion, and royal style.

Rani Vijaya Devi: This queen was known for her beauty, not for any other reason. Rani Vijaya Devi was married to Thakur of Kotra-Sanghani and was the elder daughter of Prince Kantirao Narasimha Raja Wadiyar and sister of Maharaja Jaya Chamaraja Wadiyar. He went abroad to study music

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3 Types of Competitive Advantage Competition Demystified

January 23, 2022

Think Statically, Act tactically

strategy describes the destination and how we are going to get there and tactics describe the specific action you are going to take along the way overall the rule of thumb is doing strategically and tactically but before leader choose what strategy that best for the company

there are three kinds of genuine competitive advantage 
1. supply 
2. demand and 
3. economic of scale

Competitive Advantage: Supply

Competitive Advantage: Demand

Competitive Advantage:  economic of scale

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[Amazing Facts]: 30 Interesting Facts You Probably Didn't Know About SEX | Interesting Facts About SEX

January 23, 2022

Interesting Facts About SEX

1. Over 100 crore people have sex in a day.

2. By having sex, the headache and stress of a person also end.

3. 25% of the men of this world must be thinking only about sex. (You can also be one of them.)

4. At the height of sex, both men and women have a heartbeat up to 140 minutes per minute.

5. Women have sex about 3000 times by the age of 45. (A normal woman)

6. Men of the penis stand up to the age of 40 in 10 seconds.

7. 30% of the men in the world get premature ejaculation. The cause of their premature ejaculation is believed to be anxiety, sexual abuse, negative image, initial sexual experience.

8. A man extracts about 17 litres of semen in his life.

9. Where there is semen in the body, its temperature is -196.9 ° C.

10. 30-50 million sperm once they come out of masturbation.

11. Greek people have the most sex, they have sex about 138 times a year.

12. As many men in the world, as many sperm can come in a small capsule, and there are so many sperm in the male's penis, that they can be spread by about 400 meters.

13. About 20% of Americans have sex with a colleague.

14. Those who have sex only 1 or 2 times a week, their chances of heart disease are reduced by 30%.

15. 65% of the world's women and 90% of men continue to masturbate periodically.

16 Most sex in America is not in the bedroom but in the car.

17. Eating chocolate before having sex leads to excitement.

18. About 70 per cent of women refuse to have sex during menstruation.

19. When sex is done by putting it in the mouth of your partner, it is called oral sex. Oral sex is not only human but also animals (For example bears, wolves and bats etc.).

20. Women like to have sex the most in the dark.

21. Having sex in the morning is very beneficial for health.

22. Having sex burns 360 calories.

23. Women who study romantic novels enjoy sex more.

24. Sex acts like medicine for good sleep.

25. A lion can have sex up to 50 times a day.

26. Mice can have sex about 20 times a day.

27. The male crocodile's penis is always ready to have sex.

28. A snake is an organism with 2 sex organisms.

29. Sea horses use cow dung to create an environment for sex.

30. A male grasshopper bites the head of a female grasshopper during sex. But even after being beheaded, both continue to have sex.

31. When a man has sex, his brain is exactly like the mind of a drunk alcoholic.

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